This week I have been reflecting on where I am in my life and my level of contentment and confidence in what I am doing. I am in a CS Lewis book club where we are reading Screwtape Letters and it has caused me to be more aware of which thoughts the devil puts into my head and how hard he works to tear me down. I have exactly the life that I pictured I would and the life that I wanted and planned for. Along the way I had a lot of hardships, but ultimately God still gave me what I wanted. What is baffling for me is that the devil can give me so much doubt and discontentment even in situations that I know are right for my life. I realized that there won't be a moment in my life where I will be perfectly content and be absolutely happy about every aspect in my life- not without a fight at least. Reading this book has showed me how actively I have to fight every day to stay alert and listen to the voice of God and tell myself truth instead of listening to the lies that the devil tries to get me down with.
Hey guys! Well since my name has already been announced in the previous blog post I guess I need no introduction ;) My name is Tanya and I consider myself to be a good friend of Vicky's. We met a few years back through my sister because she kept talking about a funny, nice girl named Vicky. To see for myself what all this rave was about I met her. But you know what's funny? I cannot remember the day we really talked or when we became such good friends. It just happened. Just like that. If I had to describe Vicky in one word, one of the first words that pops into my head is genuine . She is that person you can talk to with whatever is on your mind, someone you can turn to when you have questions, and definitely someone who will not judge but be there to guide you and offer help. And I am so thankful for that. Looking back, I can see that our friendship developed rather spontaneously (or maybe I just have bad memory lol). But I do see now that God orchestrated this friendship...