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You missed me, I'm flattered

Hello Peasants, multiples of yous have requested an updated blog post- like whyyyyyy tho?
Please note the following reasons for which I have stopped blogging:

  • IG stories now keeps all of my highlighted content from my travels
  • I keep a journal for the deep stuff
  • I have become more introverted and am very intentional about spending purposeful time with people that matter to me- basically all of the important people already know what's going on in my life. If you read my blog... well then, lets rethink our friendship
But I'll bite, I'll provide a quick update of a few places I have traveled to and a few things I have learned about myself/God/the world/existence/life/people etc., since my last post. 

Alrighty, lets dive in - I'll try to keep it brief (skip to the end to go straight to my life learnings.)

March 2019- Victoria B.C.
Not going to go into detail but we ate a lot of good food and saw a lot of pretty things. I made friends with a Chocolatier and also one of my brackets came off as I was eating brunch, eventful.

May 2019- NYC.
Promptly after returning from Victoria, Tanya asked me if I wanted to go to NYC during the Memorial Day weekend. I originally declined but then remember that my New Year's resolution had been to be more of a 'yes' woman and thus I ended up in NYC, #noragrets.
  • Food
  • Brighton Beach
  • Getting proposed to multiple times in the street
  • Rockefeller Center
  • The MET
  • Biking through Central Park
October 2019:
Wasn't planning on going anywhere else, but that PTO ain't gonna use itself, soooo... Sabir and I decided to take another trip. 
Itinerary: Land in Porto, Portugal > Fly to Barcelona, Spain > Road trip to Southern Spain making stops in Valencia, Cartagena, Estepona, and  > Visit Gibraltar for a day > Ferry to Tangier, Morocco > Return ferry to Spain and stay in Marbella > Fly home from Malaga, Spain
  • Tapas in Porto
  • Eating paella in Valencia, which is it's birthplace
  • Walking through an airstrip to enter into Gibraltar
  • Riding camels in Morocco - also the snake charmer, also another marriage proposal, eventful
March 2020:
My frannnnn Tanya is boujeeee so we celebrated her birthday on Balboa Island, CA. It was so lovely and lush but I hurt my foot halfway through so I spent half of the time limping around.
Non-travel related highlights: 
I earned my CPHQ (Certified Professional of Healthcare Quality) this March after studying for it for a year. 
Life learnings: 
  • Always leave people better than you found them
  • I learned that principle isn't always more important than the person
  • Pursuit of peace is vital and comes from a deep trust that God is who He says He is
  • Sometimes our trials aren't even about us, but God's way of making someone else grow
  • Continued gratitude for deep friendships, especially married friends who still make time
  • Gratitude for people in my life who care about my mental health, validate my feelings and acknowledge that my struggles are perfectly human
  • It's not on any other person to help me feel worthy
  • Never apologize for being vulnerable
P.S. my apologies for how wonky this blog looks, the Dynamic view I previously had broke and I haven't been able to figure how to fix it. 

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