I AM THE DAUGHTER OF A KING WHO IS NOT MOVED BY THE WORLD FOR MY GOD IS WITH ME & GOES BEFORE ME I DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM HIS Got the encouragement I needed. It's so easy for me to start to feel diminished or weakened by the effects of the world. I very quickly start to think that my value lies in earthly things like my grades, my relationship status, my financial state or what kind of impression I can make. When those things don't go as planned I start to feel I am not valuable. It is crazy how quickly I am to listen to to the doubts and lies the devil feeds me.I put on a facade of confidence when inside I am broken and feel like I am insignificant, my mind runs a muck with doubt and fear that I will never be the person God wants me to be. I start to believe I am worthless, or a useless Christian, he tells me that I am not enough, I must do something else, I must be better, prettier, smarter; he distracts me from God by making me think my valu...