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Today was a good and stark contrast to yesterday. Yesterday I spent about 20 hours writing a paper for my Integrative Health class which proved to be a lot more difficult than originally anticipated. The lack of resources as well as expertise in the field (and a new citation style I was unfamiliar with) led to ultimate frustration during the tedious writing process. I had started on it on Friday and didn't get very far - was struck down with the stomach flu which forced me to save it all until yesterday. The frustration with the lack of resources on my topic led me to abandon it and change course to adopt a new idea for my paper. After having changed course it still took me about 8 more hours to actually gather all of the information and put it into a research paper- I finished the paper at 4:30 AM, and overslept for class by one hour this morning. On the other hand- today was beautiful. To get a breather after yesterday's research paper disaster, I went to explore a beautiful marina that I have had my eyes on since September when I started school- I always drive by it in the morning and make endless promises about visiting it someday: today was someday and it didn't disappoint. 

"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." -Charles Dickens

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