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We go way back...

I’ve spend many days thinking long and hard what I should blog about and decided to share with you the story of how Vicki and I became friends.  To clue you in about who I am: I’m Katie, once known as “Olive”, a full time college student.  My hobbies include making chocolate mousse (also known as “ground worms” between Vi and I), hiking, cloud watching and studying:)
Everything started over 2 decades ago when our parents were in the same youth group in a city by the Black Sea.  Our parents were friends and our moms were both due with girls in 1992-1993.  Vi was born first and then I.  Growing up, we visited each other’s houses, had loads of fun in Sunday school, but then my family moved to the U.S.  The awesome thing is that their family moved to the U.S. too!  Once here, Vi and I grew up having countless sleepovers, watching our favorite movies such as “Ella Enchanted”, dressed up, played pranks, garage sale shopped, sang/ danced to music, stargazed on our trampoline, canoed, ate a ton of sushi, read classics, tea partied, took classes in college, baked and the list can go on.

Most amazing, Vi and I both got saved and baptized in 2007 at our local church.   It’s amazing that, slowly but surely, God is working in our hearts, and allowing us to sharpen each other like iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17).  Our relationship has the unique balance of honesty, seriousness, adventurous spirit, silliness, trustworthiness, forgiveness and care.  Overall, I’ve been very blessed to have Vi by my side.  It’s like having another sister who I feel total comfortable with yet challenges me in many ways.  Vi, may your faithfulness to Christ continue through your life and daily choices.  

I want to leave you with a very special song to me.  It’s taken from the original “Be Thou my Vision” hymn that the Rend Collective Experiment reworded and added a little spirit to.    May it bless and challenge you as it always does me.

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