I'm currently reading Liviticus and can't help but notice how seriously God takes sin. For every sin, even unintentional sins God made the people perform lengthy sacrifices as atonement for their sins. So if a God who chose to sacrifice His Son as a the ultimate Atonement for our sins takes sin very seriously why don't we? If we are born again and have died to sin and have the One who overcame every sin and death live inside of us, why do we keep on sinning? If God takes even unintentional sin seriously why don't we think about how much more serious intentional sin is? When we know that what we are about to do is sin and completely ignore the Holy Spirit when He convict us, we stand in the scariest place before God- absolute rebellion against our Creator. After a pattern of going against your conscience, it starts to get quieter and duller- we become okay with sins that before were horrific to us and we excuse ourselves to partake in things that ultimately grieve our S...