I have returned from retreat with a cold but am nonetheless grateful for the experience. It was such a blessing to just be able to spend time with friends in fellowship and encouragement towards one another. After the retreat I just cannot stop noticing all of the blessings that surround me. My life is so amazing and I have so many people in it that make it so. I also came back with a greater appreciation and love for my local church. I was very encouraged by a sermon that was said by Vitaliy Pelikhatyy about knowing what your calling is. Before, I was worried that I wasn't following God's will because I didn't choose nursing for my career or am not married and taking care of children. This sermon encouraged me in knowing that where God has me right now is where He wants me; and where I will end up in five or ten years is where He will want me. I also realized that I don't have to wait until I finish my Bachelor's Degree or get married to be doing something importa...