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Showing posts from August, 2013

Busyyyyness.-not BUSINESS

So I haven't been blogging lately because I have been rather busy lately. Some of that has to do with simply having a job and other of it has to do with having the opportunity to help out at retreat. I leave for retreat tomorrow so I will have an update afterwards. There was a special project I got to sort of write the script for that I will hopefully get to put up here for those of you who won't be at retreat- its kinda funny-ish.  Anywho, I am sort of worn out from all of the hustle and bustle of this last week therefor will not bore you with insignificant nothings. Here is a pic of Kat that I absolutely love :)


These lovelies are finally coming home tomorrow. Hoorah! Pray for a safe return.  

Coastal Vibes

Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity of spending the day at the coast with people from my friday group- I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was awesome to just have a chill day to relax, play volleyball, explore the coast line, chit chat with people and discover people's hidden talents. We started at Oswald Beach and hung out there for most of the day- and ended at the Astoria Column where we threw down our shoes and did awesome hair flips. I love spending time with people who I have the most important thing in common with.  If you can beat the following hidden talent...send me a video!! This is such an impressive skill...

The goddess has a blogger!

A super congrats goes out to my super lovely friend Angelina Chvorun for finally starting a blog!!! Yes- she is the talented and witty author of BeBarefootOnEarth!! I welcome her into the community of humble bloggers who simply wish to share their lives. Go check out her blog and leave her some love.


Its becoming common that I just post pics and don't tell you where or why I took them. #lazyblogger