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Showing posts from April, 2012

His Glory

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of you be still Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all  ("I can only imagine" by Mercy Me)

Sarcasm Button

During spring break I had the privilege of going to Seaside with some friends, here are some pics:)


This is Kat. Just wanted to brag to all of you about my awesome friend. Kat is such a genuine person; she doesn't say things she doesn't mean and is always kind. Kat and I go way back... actually all the way back to birth. Yes indeed, Kat and I have known each other since we were born and it has been my great honor to have her as a friend. We were born a month and five days apart, I moved to the US about 2 months after she did, we were in the same Sunday school class, we were in plays together, we listened to the same music, we had sleepovers, we got saved at about the same time, we got baptized together and we took several classes together in college. Kat has been a great influence in my life; I learned many things just by example from her. I am truly privileged to have such a dear friend. Here are a few pics of Kat and me throughout the years:) P.S Kat: It's all fair game.